Joseph Smith
Sun Myung Moon
Anton LaVay
L. Ron Hubbard
Charles Taze Russell
et al.*
These men developed or recycled a religion based on some being(s) or a force that is more powerful that a human: Beings or forces ranging from the universe itself to aliens from outer space. Adherents are to follow an organized behavior or set of rules to attain a higher state of existence and to reverence some feared higher power, or reverence some material object - like our environment or the universe.
Special behavior and rule-following to make ourselves better appeals to all of us. Even an atheist seeks self-improvement. What is religion without self-improvement and attainment of a higher state of being? When I hear a comedian saying that religion is "(foul expletive)", politicians say that the religious are bitter-clingers and Hollywood's finest say that religion is a crutch, I have to think they might have something right, (although the foul expletive is not necessary to make the point). The word "religion", as it is used today, is just an adherence to a behavior designed to make people feel better about themselves and their future. Those misguided entertainers and politicians appear to understand that, though they usually have their own religion of fame, power and ideology, (making hypocrites of themselves).
How about dropping the "religion" and going free?
Perfect freedom has only ONE requirement:
There is only one Man that has made the way to heaven available. That way does not require organized behavior or some man-made system. There is NO SELF EFFORT here. This One is the only Man who had the following words written about Him a thousand years before He walked the earth, (unlike the men listed above):
"I will thank You and confide in You forever, because
You have done it, [delivered me and kept me safe]. I will wait on, hope in and expect in Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your saints (Your kind and pious ones)." Psalm 52:9
"All the mighty ones upon earth shall eat [in thanksgiving] and worship; all they that go down to the dust shall bow before
Him, even he who cannot keep himself alive.
Posterity shall serve
Him; they shall tell of the Lord to the next generation.
They shall come and shall declare His righteousness to a people yet to be born--that
He has done it, [that it is finished]!" Psalm 22:29-31
It is finished! Your attainment of a higher state has been accomplished through no effort of your own. You don't need religion, a crutch, an opiate, a rigid set of rules or organized behavior. Why make your life more burdensome than it already is? This is between you and God. No need to "farm it out" to a clergyman or anyone else. Just
*These men didn't do it. Yes, the name of Jesus Christ is missing on purpose. He doesn't belong on this list. He is God; not only a man and HE HAS DONE IT. His bones were not laid to rest somewhere on earth. Don't you think His followers would protect and reverence His remains if He were only a great human being, prophet or founder of a religion?