Thursday, April 30, 2009

Joy of Optimism

" the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye grieved; for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

We had a parakeet that was always an optimist. He had a cranky, unhealthy mate who rarely showed kindness to him. He was enthusiastic with her anyway; bobbing his head up and down as if trying to encourage her to join in the fun of living. After she died suddenly, his attitude recovered in a short period of time and he was enjoying us as his family again. He started suffering from a sickness that the vet could not properly diagnose and died a very slow death. Even on his last day, he still tried to act enthusiastic and loving, but did not have the strength to move very well. It was very sad to lose a pet like that. What a good example!

It came to me one day that he was the "Ronald Reagan of birds". Remember Ronald Reagan? For those who are too young, President Reagan was ALWAYS optimistic. He faced the down the dread of Communism, the impossibly obstinate US Media, opposing deceitful politicians and the continual enmity from nations in the world who habitually hate Israel and the USA. He did it with kindness and a smile that would light up the room and lift everyone's attitude that could see him.

I don't know how to get there, but it is something to try for. I understand that we will see Ronald Reagan when we arrive in the Lord's presence. So, he had something something that I also possess which gave him all the motivation he needed to act the way he did. I believe God wants us to be aware of, and live in, the enjoyment of His love with the understanding of what He has prepared for us - ALL THE TIME.

Those of us who believe have sure eternal life. We are a kingdom of priests. We have the most powerful Being in the whole universe waiting with bated breath to come for us to take us out of this world of darkness to the light of love, perfect goodness, untold wealth and an eternity of exploring the depths of His riches. Never a dull moment. Never a fleeting moment of sadness. Full understanding and full joy awaits us. The King of Kings will take His rightful throne and we will be His bride. There WILL be true justice. Evil will not appear to win anymore - forever.

As a brother recently said, "If we live in the good of what we know as believers, the world will beat a path to our door." Everyone wants to hang around with a guy with a good attitude like Ronald Reagan. Where did he get it from? It was a gift from God, but it took faith and dependence on God.

(New Note from Editor 5/5/09: News flash from today... Ronald Reagan's political party says, "It's time to leave Reagan behind." - Yikes!)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Relationship Chemistry

(1) Esteem another better than yourself:
  • It's really not hard to pick out the God-given abilities that our brethren-in-the-Lord have that we do not possess in like measure. Brethren who wear their weakness on their sleeve, (instead of craftily hiding it like others of us), have greater abilities in the areas where we constantly fail if we would open our eyes to see.
(2) See that person in Christ - using His point of view:
  • Read what the Lover says about the Beloved in the Song of Solomon to get this perspective. Enough said.
(3) Recognize your own helplessness to behave properly:
  • Looking at yourself in the mirror of God's Word takes care of this. We tend to use what we think to be "right behavior" as a bludgeoning device on others. This leads into the next element...
(4) Abandon thoughts of trying to fix what's wrong in that person:
  • Surely we've tried to fix ourselves countless times and found that it doesn't work. Why would we think we can fix somebody else?
(5) Bear the other person's burden:
  • Giving time and/or treasure and/or talent and pleading with God for the benefit of the other person. "Oh that there were arbitration for a man with God, as a son of man for his friend!" Job 16:21
Looking back over the years of being a believer, we are ashamed of some of the things we used to think were okay, or just disregarded because of our selfishness. God taught us and continues to, (patiently), teach what is right and it takes us a long time to catch on. I've been a "special needs" student all of this time and show no signs of becoming brilliant yet. Why should I assume that someone else should be a better student in God's school than I? This issue, addressed by elements (3) and (4) above, seems to cause the most trouble.

These individual elements combine to form the Unconditional Love molecular structure that makes a perfect relationship with another believer. There are two caveats here: It's a two way street AND it's impossible outside of dependence on God.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Court Date

If you have ever been to court for a wrongdoing, you understand the need for deliverance. Standing before an authority who has power over you to penalize for wrongdoing is not comfortable, particularly when you are guilty.

Everyone who is living, or has ever lived, has a court date coming. There are only two types of court dates. Those who have NOT dealt with Jesus Christ, by disregarding His free gift of salvation, will have a court date at the Great White Throne. Those who confess that they are guilty, understanding that Jesus provided the way to life by dying for them, redeeming them to God by His blood, will appear at the Judgement Seat of Christ. The difference between the Great White Throne and the Judgement seat of Christ is INFINITE and the consequence eternal. Do you know in which court you will appear?

The following experience will help to explain why one court date is infinitely better than the other: Not long ago, I was in an automobile accident and received a ticket as a result. Two statements were made by the state trooper that stand out in my mind. After he gave me the ticket, the first statement was, "Make sure you show up in court. It will be worth your while." I could have chosen to pay the fine and accepted the guilt of the charge. Instead, I kept remembering his saying, "make sure you show up in court. It will be worth your while."

Did you know the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to show up in His court? Remember, it is called the Judgement Seat of Christ. You are guilty of a number of things, as you probably already know. There is no shortage of charges that can be brought against any one of us. To appear at the court that He wants you in, you need to "confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead," and you will be saved, (Romans 10:9). Saved from what, and in what manner? Read on.

Weeks after the accident, I was sitting in court and was feeling very anxious. I had never been in court to hear charges read against me. My name was called and I walked up to the judge. My heart was pounding so hard that I'm sure my shirt must have been moving. He looked at me, read the charge and said, "How do you plead?" I took a deep breath to answer. Just before the first word came out of my mouth the state trooper made the second statement that I will not forget. He said, "I'm not going to pursue this charge." Then the judge said, "You're free to go."

That is being saved! What a benefit! I did not have to accept the guilt and punishment-by-fine that was required. Similarly, Jesus Christ has "loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood", (Revelation 1:5), and this act of love "has redeemed us to God", (Rev. 5:9). We are free if we accept what He did for us.

Isn't it true that this is what we all need? Otherwise, our court appearance would be at the Great White Throne of Judgement. The charges against you will be read, and you will be condemned. After being condemned, nobody will be there as an advocate for you, (as Jesus is waiting to be now). You will be thrown into the lake of fire, (Rev. 21:15). Goodness and love DO NOT EXIST there. You will have rejected the Source of Goodness, and Love Himself. The free gift of salvation is extended to you right now. There is nothing to pay for it! Don't be self-destructive and choose to be forever caught in the torture of bitterness and loathing without any good thing.

The One who has put the breath of life in you is waiting patiently for you. He is full of grace and mercy, and hears our cries for help. He is not wishing to condemn you, but to save you. When your life is being scrutinized before a Holy God, and the many charges are made against you, wouldn't you like to hear, "I am not going to pursue these charges"?

"It’s a table set for all,
It’s a standing invitation
From the streets out to the fields
In every nation
There’s a thread that reaches all,
There’s a seed of recognition,
It’s a doorway open wide
(It’s a message that you know)
Though you never heard at all"

Poetry by Kerry Livgren

Monday, April 6, 2009

God Wins Every Time

We passed a horrific wreck this weekend just after it had happened. The car had been lifted on it's side from the previous upside down position by other motorists who had stopped to help. A man was laying on the ground so he could be next to a two-year-old girl with an anxious look on his face, pleading with her to keep living, while her mother had expired nearby. Emergency responders were just arriving. There was an unusually large crowd of helpers, onlookers and stopped vehicles. It was shocking and emotional for anyone to have to view. I could only pray silently.

As it turns out, a mother, with her daughter in the car, had just pulled out of the neighborhood onto a 4-lane divided highway. Two oncoming unseen cars, racing at excessive speed, were about to crest the hill. One of the racing cars hit her car broadside, driver's side - dead center. She died on the scene. Her two-year-old daughter was pronounced dead at the hospital. A 13-year-old passenger in the racing car passed away later. The driver of that car, along with one other passenger, survived. The driver of the other car that was in the race is being tracked down.

Seeing this comes close to ripping your heart out and you have to anchor yourself on God's perspective. HE WINS EVERY TIME. It doesn't appear to be a victory from our perspective, but it is to Him. Since all are His servants, His perspective is reality. One thing we do know is that another soul went to be with Christ, (the 2-year-old). King David said of his infant son, who had not reached an age of understanding of God, "...can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." 2 Sam. 12:23.

The mother was quite possibly a believer. According to the newspaper articles, it is likely that the expired 13-year-old passenger was as well. They were probably "ready for Heaven". The ripple effect from this accident will have unknown consequences from now till the Lord comes. Isaiah explains to us how God wins in the death of righteous ones: "The righteous man perishes, and no one lays it to heart; and merciful and devout men are taken away, with no one considering that the uncompromisingly upright and godly person is taken away from the calamity and evil to come [even through wickedness]." Isaiah 57:1

How many onlookers recieved a healthy dose of thoughts filled with uncertainty and frailty? How many did the Holy Spirit speak to about their lost condition? The driver of the racing car has now been charged with 2 counts of second-degree murder, with one more pending. What a burden to carry for the rest of his life! God wants ALL men to come to Him. This young man, who is now a criminal in man's eyes, is being pursued by God; right now, while he is "unlovable". Another opportunity for God to win whether he is a believer or not.

In his book on Revelation, Harry Ironside explains his belief that there will be a higher number of saints in heaven saying "Worthy is the Lamb..." than the number of doomed ones given over to eternity separated from God's lovingkindness. As an onlooker in this world, that's really difficult to believe. Believing that Ironside is right, I'll still be pleasantly stunned when I see it. But if I don't believe it, am I really denying reality? The reality is, "God wins every time".