Saturday, October 31, 2015

Simple Food Guide

"The longer something is in man's hands, the more failure we see."
J. Redekop

This statement is certainly true for man's handling of God's pure truth.
However, it is just as valid for man's handling and "improving" the food that we eat.

GMO food is somehow better?
Processing food and adding to it makes it more nutritious?
Refining is an improvement?

Please, don't go along with the failure.

Monday, October 26, 2015

High Yield Seeds

The foundation of belief* in Jesus Christ, confidence and complete trust in Him and the sure faith that makes it possible for His power to work in our lives isn’t just a truth in Romans and part of a couple of other books. It is seeded throughout scripture in its entirety. 

Seeing, understanding and accepting the power of this solid foundation compels the one who believes to properly use scripture, view things in the true reality of the unseen, understand the difficulties of those roundabout, and have compassion on those who are born again but still spiritually bound.

* Give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself entirely into His keeping.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A View of a Point

As in a play or a movie, there are always actors that play a distasteful role. When the production is over however, that role was a necessary part of the story and those actors stand as respected players of the part without which the story would not be complete.

I am to unconditionally love my brethren in Christ that play that distasteful role.