There is a God who is limitless. That's why He is the true God, because a true god cannot be limited. That's why references to Him in this blog entry are capitalized. Why believe in a god who has limits? That is the recipe for failure.
A limitless God doesn't need our assistance to accomplish His purpose. Without limit means without limit. That means that nothing exists or even moves without His full awareness, neither is anything moving or acting in a way that is not already included in His careful design; since ALL things are held together by the Word of His Power. Take a moment to think of all the destruction the human race has done as they have "assisted" their god by thinking they are a fill-in for his limitations. Murdering, treachery, deceit and tyranny...
We busy ourselves assuming that something that looks bad to us undermines Him. Some say a true god shouldn't die a shameful death or humble himself at all - as if that undermines being a god, (of their invention).
I serve a limitless God. Don't waste your time believing in any other, or even serving the elements and formulas of His vast creation.