Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hopelessness vs. His-fullness

A young lady, who had clearly been doing some thinking, called in to a radio talk show.  She said that she had become aware that her generation has been deceived into hopelessness.  Her schooling, modern science, and even governmental authority have all united to teach that life is indeed hopeless.

Without being obvious, the teaching of hopelessness takes these forms.  We are counseled to:
(1) Soothe ourselves with doing good deeds. We will make our lives significant by supporting a worthy cause, even a close-minded religious cause such as environmental activism.
(2) Rely on newly discovered knowledge to help us make it further into the future as enlightened human beings.
(3) Take advantage of the newest medical developments to undo our mistakes, calm us and give us better quality of life.
(4) In our hopelessness, allow ourselves to fall on the goodness and power of the government, (a selfless entity that truly cares).
When this pervades our society, it's no wonder that some of it soaks in
to us.  Doesn't this underscore the necessity of the "washing of water by the Word" ?  There is no way to counter this influence unless we HEAR from our Creator Who can completely fill the holes of hopelessness in our lives.
So, to quote one of my dear friends, "We have filled 'His-fullness' areas with so many other coping skills."
Wash your feet with the water of His Word.  Don't succumb to the World by using coping skills and losing your true freedom.  Pursue His kingdom and the significance that He gives.

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