Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gateway to Life

We all know there is a very prominent religion that has shown itself to successfully operate using the wrath of man.  Manifested for everyone to see is the fear, hatred, anger and resulting merciless death by those who are zealous to follow this religion and who wantonly kill those that choose not to follow.

We also know that there are not a few countries dominated by this religion.  Observers say there are MANY in those countries whose hearts tire of the fear, hatred and anger.  These dear souls are seeking peace, truth and a truly loving, kind and merciful God; a God not requiring His followers to be angry, hateful and treacherous murderers.  A God not CALLED "merciful", but a God who IS merciful, and actually defines selfless love.  Though it doesn't make the news, observation and actual statistics show they are finding HIM in significant numbers.  Probably more so, because of the terrible evil that has actually driven their hearts away from this darkness to look for light.

What an encouragement to know that this very evil is what actually drives new believers to search for the gateway to eternal life in Christ.

In light of these facts, the meaning of this mysterious verse becomes entirely understandable:
"Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; the remainder of wrath shall You restrain and gird and arm Yourself with it."  Psalm 76:10

How can a false and dark religion and the doctrines of demons be the gateway to life? 
Psalm 76:10 explains it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I have seen believers excluding themselves because they feel they are not "worthy".

I understand.  They aren't worthy.  Nobody is. That doesn't make it right though.

It is correct to understand that you are not worthy, but it is INCORRECT to allow your feelings to lead you into the ERROR that the complete work of Christ is not sufficient to supply all of your missing worthiness. 

This form of self-oppression has no place in the life of a follower of Christ. Just like the self-oppression and blind error that says you might lose your salvation.  Why do we question the effectiveness of His perfect work and His holy love?  He is either God, or He isn't.  Why do we have the compulsion to make Him something "in-between".

The best quote I've heard recently is this:  "What God's holiness required, God's love supplied."

Our worthiness and holiness are complete in Him.