Saturday, August 29, 2015


We go to weddings and most of us feel the thrill of the epic event.  It's emotional and reminds some of us of the Lord Jesus who pursued us until we trusted in Him.  We became His and gained everlasting freedom.

After it all dies down, everyone goes home and life begins its mundane and normal patterns.
But that is where the epicness really is.  Moving through the mundane and normal with trust and confidence in Him, overcoming the world one small step at a time.

Who is he that overcomes the world but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

His quiet deliverance through the daily grind is the supporting canvas that will display God's glory and lasting power in our lives.  Those small insignificant moves that seem pointless, the existence through the tiring moments that don't produce tangible benefit.  Knowing that He is enough for everything from the dramatic to the dull.

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