Thursday, October 1, 2009

Building the Tower of Destruction

The tower of destruction can be described as follows:

At the top there is a turret to propel verbal destruction in all directions: Insults or comments that belittle, discouraging words, impatient passionate statements that come out as anger and various other targeting comments that are either misunderstood or considered punitive.

The structure underneath the turret contains the stairs on which you climb to get to the top and the protective walls. This structure is built out of the desire to change whatever is wrong with our brethren immediately; because we are "right", and can't handle the corruption, (perceived or otherwise), in them anymore. As we lose patience and continue to push for results, we climb the stairs quickly and reach the top where strife, divisions, distinctions, misunderstandings and destruction start taking place as a direct result of firing destruction from the turret.

The foundation is pure pride and it goes deep into the ground to give the tower solid footing. When the pride is replaced with humility, the tower crumbles along with all of the foul material that made it; material lacking the grace and love of Christ.

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