Monday, October 12, 2009

Hard Work

"Hard work will always pay off," they say. That's probably a reaction to the tendency for people to generally be slackers. While it's somewhat true, the saying falls short of the application that it is intended to improve.

Over many years, I've noticed that my attempts at hard-work-through-self-effort rarely pay off. The big successes in my job have "dropped into my lap" as gifts from God. I have had to pick up the gift and be responsible with it while depending on Him. The compliments come in, "good job Steve, we appreciate your hard work." I say, "It was the Lord helping me." They say, "You have to give yourself more credit."

"There's no returning to a life of ease
Life in a world that brings you to your knees
Wielding a weapon with a mighty hand
Draped in the banner of another land"

It's the ceaseless hard work for the Lord that pays off. He directs the hard work. We might have to encourage ourselves in Him so that our hands don't hang down and our knees grow feeble. The work that results in a paycheck for us is entirely in His hands. He gives success because He is good and we need to not only feed our family, but give to others and to Him.

Lyrics above by K. Livgren, (Brother Kerry Livgren suffered a stroke last month. Pray for a swift sure recovery for the glory of Christ and salvation of more souls).

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