Everyone who is living, or has ever lived, has a court date coming. There are only two types of court dates. Those who have NOT dealt with Jesus Christ, by disregarding His free gift of salvation, will have a court date at the Great White Throne. Those who confess that they are guilty, understanding that Jesus provided the way to life by dying for them, redeeming them to God by His blood, will appear at the Judgement Seat of Christ. The difference between the Great White Throne and the Judgement seat of Christ is INFINITE and the consequence eternal. Do you know in which court you will appear?
The following experience will help to explain why one court date is infinitely better than the other: Not long ago, I was in an automobile accident and received a ticket as a result. Two statements were made by the state trooper that stand out in my mind. After he gave me the ticket, the first statement was, "Make sure you show up in court. It will be worth your while." I could have chosen to pay the fine and accepted the guilt of the charge. Instead, I kept remembering his saying, "make sure you show up in court. It will be worth your while."
Did you know the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to show up in His court? Remember, it is called the Judgement Seat of Christ. You are guilty of a number of things, as you probably already know. There is no shortage of charges that can be brought against any one of us. To appear at the court that He wants you in, you need to "confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead," and you will be saved, (Romans 10:9). Saved from what, and in what manner? Read on.
Weeks after the accident, I was sitting in court and was feeling very anxious. I had never been in court to hear charges read against me. My name was called and I walked up to the judge. My heart was pounding so hard that I'm sure my shirt must have been moving. He looked at me, read the charge and said, "How do you plead?" I took a deep breath to answer. Just before the first word came out of my mouth the state trooper made the second statement that I will not forget. He said, "I'm not going to pursue this charge." Then the judge said, "You're free to go."
That is being saved! What a benefit! I did not have to accept the guilt and punishment-by-fine that was required. Similarly, Jesus Christ has "loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood", (Revelation 1:5), and this act of love "has redeemed us to God", (Rev. 5:9). We are free if we accept what He did for us.
Isn't it true that this is what we all need? Otherwise, our court appearance would be at the Great White Throne of Judgement. The charges against you will be read, and you will be condemned. After being condemned, nobody will be there as an advocate for you, (as Jesus is waiting to be now). You will be thrown into the lake of fire, (Rev. 21:15). Goodness and love DO NOT EXIST there. You will have rejected the Source of Goodness, and Love Himself. The free gift of salvation is extended to you right now. There is nothing to pay for it! Don't be self-destructive and choose to be forever caught in the torture of bitterness and loathing without any good thing.
The One who has put the breath of life in you is waiting patiently for you. He is full of grace and mercy, and hears our cries for help. He is not wishing to condemn you, but to save you. When your life is being scrutinized before a Holy God, and the many charges are made against you, wouldn't you like to hear, "I am not going to pursue these charges"?
"It’s a table set for all,
It’s a standing invitation
From the streets out to the fields
In every nation
There’s a thread that reaches all,
There’s a seed of recognition,
It’s a doorway open wide
(It’s a message that you know)
Though you never heard at all"
Poetry by Kerry Livgren
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