Seeing this comes close to ripping your heart out and you have to anchor yourself on God's perspective. HE WINS EVERY TIME. It doesn't appear to be a victory from our perspective, but it is to Him. Since all are His servants, His perspective is reality. One thing we do know is that another soul went to be with Christ, (the 2-year-old). King David said of his infant son, who had not reached an age of understanding of God, "...can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." 2 Sam. 12:23.
The mother was quite possibly a believer. According to the newspaper articles, it is likely that the expired 13-year-old passenger was as well. They were probably "ready for Heaven". The ripple effect from this accident will have unknown consequences from now till the Lord comes. Isaiah explains to us how God wins in the death of righteous ones: "The righteous man perishes, and no one lays it to heart; and merciful and devout men are taken away, with no one considering that the uncompromisingly upright and godly person is taken away from the calamity and evil to come [even through wickedness]." Isaiah 57:1
How many onlookers recieved a healthy dose of thoughts filled with uncertainty and frailty? How many did the Holy Spirit speak to about their lost condition? The driver of the racing car has now been charged with 2 counts of second-degree murder, with one more pending. What a burden to carry for the rest of his life! God wants ALL men to come to Him. This young man, who is now a criminal in man's eyes, is being pursued by God; right now, while he is "unlovable". Another opportunity for God to win whether he is a believer or not.
In his book on Revelation, Harry Ironside explains his belief that there will be a higher number of saints in heaven saying "Worthy is the Lamb..." than the number of doomed ones given over to eternity separated from God's lovingkindness. As an onlooker in this world, that's really difficult to believe. Believing that Ironside is right, I'll still be pleasantly stunned when I see it. But if I don't believe it, am I really denying reality? The reality is, "God wins every time".
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