Monday, May 25, 2009

Discover Your Gift

It has always been troubling to me when someone pushes me, or someone else to identify their "gift". Some go as far as making you feel that you really ought to know your gift at a fairly young age. If you don't know, you are falling short in your Christian existence. It's similar to the feeling you get when someone insinuates that you might not be "saved" unless you know the date that you called out to God to save you. It's oppressive. That's not right.

Some of us don't have a clue what the date was when I was born again. In fact, I remember being scared several times and "making sure."  If my children are an indication of what happened to me, it was several times between the age of 3 1/2 and 5 years old.

However, I got the answer for this "gift" business this weekend. Now I can answer those who ask, "what is your gift?" or "you should know what your gift is by now."

My gift is obedience. God prompts or opens the door for us to do something. We must trust Him first, then follow through and do it. Someone is brought to glory, someone is helped, someone is encouraged and God's glory is furthered as a result. Whatever that was, it is your gift. You still might not be able define something in the way others expect. Others, looking on, might see and know better than you.  Not knowing it would be a protection from God.  One less thing that my pride would push me to boast in.

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