Monday, May 31, 2010

Confidence (2)

Last year was a tough year financially. We found ourselves taking instead of giving. Income was not near what it should be. We pinched pennies and shut down all normal purchasing operations so we could reopen them with very close scrutiny - if even reopening them at all. Every month, it looked like we wouldn't make it into the next without having to borrow money. We sold the van to get away from further trouble and drove the old "beater". Every cent came under my view and I acquired a feel for the monthly cash flow like never before. It didn't take too long to see that each imminent monthly disaster would get averted in various unpredictable ways. I was paying such close attention that I finally got it.
Every cent is under His watch, like every hair, every molecule. It's all His stuff. He moves every cent in and out and makes it flow in a way that accomplishes His perfect way. As well as I got to know the process, I could NEVER anticipate how we would be "bailed out" before month end. But it ALWAYS happened. During that time the Lord also impressed on me that I was not to shrink back from the normal giving to Him.
This year, things are better; BUT we had to get another car when the beater died, someone needed a dental crown suddenly, we put someone on braces, (thinking everything was OK now), AND someone else HAD to go on braces or lose all the work that had previously been done.
It looks impossible again.
Panic time?
Absolutely not!
He built up my confidence last year. He got my attention so I would watch closely. Then, He perfectly orchestrated my escape month by month. How can I doubt anymore? When He builds confidence, (I'm certainly a weak link - but), He does a perfect job.

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